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Chinese translation for "identity crisis"


Related Translations:
crisis:  n.1.危急关头,紧要关头;(政治、经济上的)危机,危局;恐慌;激变。2.【医学】转变期,骤退;临界;危象。3.【剧、影】危急情节,转折点。短语和例子a cabinet crisis内阁危机。 a financial crisis金融恐慌,财政危机。 economic crisis经济危机。 political crisis政治危机。 crisis of confidenc
identity:  n.1.同一,一致;同一性。2.本体;正身;个性。3.【逻辑学】同一性。4.【数学】恒等(式)。短语和例子an identity card 身份证,居民证。 an identity disk [tag] (士兵的)证章。 systems suited to its national identity 符合自己民族特点的制度。 national identity 民族面貌。
economic crisis:  经济危机。
cabinet crisis:  内阁(瓦解)危机。
crisis centre:  个人疑难咨询中心。
identity theft:  身份盗窃〔利用从因特网上获取的他人姓名、社会保障号码、住址等信息,冒名申请贷款等的一种犯罪行为〕。
Example Sentences:
1.On identity crisis and nostalgia complex of modern people
2.Towards a self - identity crisis on the internet
3.She , too , talks of identity crisis
4.Identity crisis : a modern problem
5.Therefore , this identity crisis is a part of healing , a part of awakening
6.Study on the dominant ideology identity crisis and countermeasures in the process of the social transition
7.What makes rabbit redux ? - the identity crisis and the 1960s ' social - cultural conflicts in john updike ' s rabbit redux
8.And identity crisis often occurs when one fails to find who he or she is or which group he or she should identify with
9.Ms rose , complains that she and her half - sibling adam , 34 , a conservation biologist , have suffered an identity crisis from knowing nothing about their biological father
10.{ p . 12 , s2 } “ if one doesn ' t have an identity crisis at this point , it will erupt during a later transition , when the penalties may be harder to bear
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